The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that all businesses are accountable and transparent about the data they hold on their customers, what they use it for, and gives their customers greater control over whether to allow that data processing to take place.
Power2SMS have undergone a GDPR compliance program which audited all of our internal processes to support compliance with the GDPR regulation. Power2SMS are fully compliant with GDPR. In Simple terms GDPR changes the way businesses can collect and use customer information. Power2SMS have always had the philosophy of only contacting people who want your messages and have always had opt out options on our platform which al of our customers must use, GDPR now makes this a legal requirement. Power2SMS will always advocate uploading/ processing data that has been collected in a compliant manor and if you can not prove consent we recommend not using the data, however it is still our customers’ responsibility as data controller (data controller refers to the person or people who determine the purpose (why) and means (how) of the processing of personal data) of their contact database to ensure they are compliant with GDPR.
We are here to support you, If you have any questions or wish to validate processes, then please do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager.
In the course of providing services to our customers it is necessary for us to process certain personal data on behalf of our customers. We agree to handle such personal as laid out in this document.